The President of Pop’s Cartoon Music Video Challenge
Asteroid Date: B697/Cb3/Manatee
The President of Pop
Q: Where are you REALLY from?
A: Asteroid P-420. It's the third-dimmest star in the sky tonight. Look for it. You can easily miss it. (That’s the magic–which of course is a bit tragic!)
Who are you REALLY?
Weirdly, my name really IS The President of Pop. My title is His Exalted Majesty, Most High. It's also "Peasant scum." Y’see, as I’m the only one on my planet, I have to wear a lot of hats.
What is REALITY?
Reality is what you imagine is real. Imagination, however, is the thing which enables you to imagine “reality”. Which sounds more important to you?
What inspired you to write "The No Internet Song v2 (Google-ized by Google's Eyes v2)".
Inspiration is a force of thunder from the universal spirit, whispering in our ears. I was afflicted with inspiration to write "The No Internet Song v2 (Google-ized by Google's Eyes v2)". Not my choice. I'd rather have been catching moonbeams in an old fruit jar. That's one of my hobbies, along with star-bathing on Asteroid-P-420's beach/desert. (It's a small planet, so the sand triples as desert, beach, and sand trap if anyone ever wanted to play golf... Not that anyone ever has, by the way.) Asteroid P-420 is really far from the sun, yet I'm so acclimated to it, sometimes I get star-burned, and my skin turns a whiter shade of pale, which doesn’t leave me with very good vibrations.
Are you crazy?
As a fox...